Good evening :)
Tomorrow I'm leaving to go send the weekend at a festival that is organised by a youth group I'm in so this for once is actually going to be a short post when I say it is ;) I don't know what it is but the minute I write short post , it triggers a thousand different idea's in my head that are just desperate to be translated into words and weaved into some sort of morals within a blog that ends up being a 3000 word essay by the time I'm done ... I just love writing :) I mean I definitely don't have time to write hence why I write in my sleeping time but there is no denying that I love it unconditionally :)
Another woman who loves writing is one whom I have written about before in this blog; Jodi Ann Bickley :) If you want to read me explaining more about her and her project One Million lovely Letters , the you can find that blog post here :) However today I would like to talk about her book of which I am about one third of the way through and it is quite honestly breathtaking . I'm not going to lie , usually I dislike reading auto biography's. I often get bored and they simply don't keep my attention but One Million Lovely Letters has captivated me in a way I believe no book has ever done before. I was enthralled by the un-dying kindness of her mother and her words and use of language was enchanting . This is a truly inspirational book ... and I haven't even finished :) Frequently I disagree with the kindly short reviews of fellow writers and newspapers on the front cover of the book and feel they are over exaggerated to sell the book which is of course there overall purpose . However in One Million Lovely Letters I now realise that I couldn't agree more with Ed Sheeran when he states "It's a fantastic book, from a fantastic wordsmith. " I deeply recommend you read this book at the first chance you get and I sincerely hope you get as much out of it as I am :) Today's #100happydays picture is a picture of the book from my lunch hour which I spent reading it with a 7up which my friend bought me randomly which was really nice of him :) and my post it notes and a pen :) I actually started putting post it notes on the pages wherever Ms. Bickley really took my breath to the point where I was left wonder struck and had to stop for several minutes to process the utter compassion and awe I felt for what I had just read ... and just me this happened a lot you can barely read the book for post it notes aha ;)
“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.”
—Charlie Chaplin
Finally because of the festival that I spoke about at the beginning of this blog , I will not be able to post until sunday due to being in a field with no internet access and a lot of spiders :/ However I will write my blogs on paper and and I will probably do one big blog on Sunday with all three of those days #100happydays pictures in and a big long blog :)
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
I hope you have a lovely weekend , remember that you're beautful and amazing because it's true and I would be very upset if you forgot <3 Try out something new this weekend even if it's just a new meal or booking a class for something you've always wanted to learn and let me know about it in the comments :)
Much Love, Love Muchly
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
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