Helloo :)
Oh my gosh I'm sooo tired aha :) As I've already written one post today because of not posting yesterday ( I explain here ) it turned out longer than expected so I will keep this short to avoid falling asleep at school tomorrow ... again ;) So today as I have mentioned I was practically asleep for the morning and to be honest a little bit moody. I didn't really notice anything good about the day until I got home and realised it was actually an okay day when I thought about it and all the things being moody made me miss like getting given the position of prefect, my science teacher showing me kindness and not getting annoyed about me sleeping in her lesson ;) a woman smiling at me when I held the gate for her and best of all my amazing mum bought me a new onesie ! :D But this isn't just any onesie . Oh no this is a Thumper from Bambi onesie ! Literally the best present ever :) So I think it's important to remember to never give up on a day and just label it as a bad day because there's still time to make it better . Please don't waste too much of that time being sad about something you can't change because you never know how much time you have ...isn't that an optimistic thought aha :) I'm sure you have lots of time left but I'm just saying, just in case and lots of people would give a lot for your time so use it wisely because there's no point in having something as beautiful as a life and not using it :)
So today's quote is one that is simple but really made me think :
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary OliverI also found a really nice blog today that's written by three hopefuls :) I really like the style and I thought their content was good so I thought Id share it with you :) So click here if you fancy trying out a new blog that has provided my with a few smiles this week :)
Good night :)
Remember to Stay String <3 Stay Smiley :)
Just want to quickly point out that you're amazing and should absolutely under no circumstances change for anyone <3
Much love , Love much-ly
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
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