Today I went to the Harry Potter studio tour in London and it my AMAZING :) I had such a great time and I highly recommend going if you ever get them chance because seeing all the sets and props is simply magical ... an well the gift shop is literally a potter head's haven :)
As a result of my trip to the gift shop ... my hour long, really could have happily stayed there longer just in the gift shop ;) I bought a purple pygmy puff.
Everyone ; meet Alaska ( If anyone is wondering then yes she is named after Alaska out of John Green's fantastic book Looking for Alaska)
Isn't she just the cutest little thing :) I saw her and the pink ones on the shelf and fell in love with all of them however I could only have one :( I choose a purple one for two reasons :
1) In the book Ginny's Pygmy Puff Arnold is purple ( They change it to pink in the film )
2) Carrie Hope Fletcher has a purple one :) I'm aware this is a pathetic reason however it is still a reason and by now you should probably of realised that my love for Carrie is Uncontrollable ;)
So today's #100happydays photo is my new Pygmy Puff to represent the great day out I just had ... and my love for colourful fluffy things ;) I also decided today that I am for the Hufflepuff house and am proud :) I'd love to hear what house your in and why so feel free to comment your house and your favourite of the films/books because I'm interested :) My favourite of the films is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire I think it's got a good story line as can be said for all of them aha and it's not got scary yet ( which is kind of an essential for me ;) )

If your interested in positive quotes , fitness and pretty little things ( I've basically just re-worded the blog title there ) So if you're here because you like the stuff I'm talking about then if you wanted to have a look at my pinterest then I spend lots of time procrastinating on there and finding cute merchandise I like mainly off Etsy and work outs and stuff ... damn these descriptions are getting worse and worse ;)
But if that would interest you you can find me here :
Little Hopeful
Over the Summer I'm going to try and read all of the Harry Potter series because I'm really interested and feel like I should considering my obsession with it ... I know, I know; it's really bad that I haven't already read them but I'm going to sort that asap :) It's just there's so many books I want to read .. there's probably enough time to do so only I want to read them all ... right now .
I know this is a little different to my normal style, I don't usually just talk about my day but I hope you enjoyed it all the same :) I thought for today a Harry Potter quote would be fitting :) I rather like this one on yesterdays subject of laughter making you feel better ... Oh Luna your so right :)
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure"
- Luna Lovegood
That's all for now
Remember to stay Strong <3 stay smiley :)
I hope your doing well
Much love, love much-ly
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
P.s. Cute fact: Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart :) awww
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