#100happydays: day 43 ( Broken Screens not Broken Hearts )
Hello :)
Guess who broke the laptop ? Me :) I'm just generally impressive like that so obviously the moment to guarantee finished on it I just magically have to break the screen , it's a talent of mine really aha ;) Unfortunately this does make writing blogs problematic until I get a new one which won't be for a very long while soo I guess I'm kind of worried about that ( I'm writing this one on a computer at work experience ) I do visit my dad a few times a week so If I end up having to write them on my phone where I can't edit font or colour as far as I'm aware then I'm really sorry but I will edit them whenever I have access to a computer <3 I was pretty upset when I released my laptop was broken because I've become rather attached to my little positivity blog but the important thing to remember when stuff like this happens is that it could be worse , it could always be worse and it could always be better and regardless of which comes first, in the end it will be better :) You just have to keep going and I know you strong enough to do that because you're cool like that ;) So I sat down and told myself to calm down and that I still have so much that is way more important that a laptop because I have a wonderful group of hilarious, kind and beautiful friends who are practically my family, a wonderful boyfriend, a cat who's really fluffy to cheer me up when I'm down and so much more :) When you're down no matter what has happened it really helps to count your blessings , even if it's as small as I saw a old couple today holding hands in the street and it was really cute or the sky's a nice shade of blue today, I promise you it's there :) I wrote a whole blog about seeing the good small things on terrible big days which you can find here :) Once I was calmer and had put things into perspective I managed to find ways around my laptop being broken like doing it on my phone and editing later because really it's a bit of plastic and a few wires it's not like I'd had my heart ripped out or anything so really I'm doing quite well aha :D
My day luckily did improve despite it being a bad hair day ( no seriously a really, really bad hair day aha ) I went to see my dad for a little bit and he'd bought The Book Thief for us to watch. I would do a review only I don't particularly enjoy writing them or reading them unless I am extremely passionate about the book ( I never get passionate enough about films ) however on the subject I may at some point in the near future do a review of John Green's "Looking for Alaska" because I'm telling you now that I am absolutely head over heels in love with that book :) So let me know in the comments if that's something you would be interested in <3 Anyways back to The Book Thief , I have read the book and it was well written and I would highly recommend it to anyone probably over the age of thirteen ( but that's just my opinion ) It is a very long book and I did have to take a break halfway through but once I picked it up and got back into it I really enjoyed it despite the many tears that I wept whilst reading it :) The film adaptation was good and whilst I was constantly frustrated by the amount of the book that was missed out ( seriously it was actually impressive how much they dropped) I found the acting side of it was filled with moving and fantastic performances throughout the whole cast :) Oh and you just need to know, you will fall in love with Papa and you will cry <3 I know I just said I don't like doing reviews but I do like doing mini reviews like the one above because they're not really reviews and don't take up a whole post they're just short and sweet like me :) ... well I'm short at least ;)
I then went to see my boyfriend where he attempted and I mean attempted aha to teach me how to play bass ... yeah that didn't work out ;) So we cuddled and watched the original teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films like the mature young adults that we are ;) I've actually become really fond of those films I'm all mixed up with happiness over how much for some unknown reason I seem to like the films and slight shame because of how much happiness it brings me ... actually no I'm just happy because you should never be ashamed of something that makes you happy well that's my excuse anyways :) unless your a paedophile at which point you probably should because that's not nice aha . After this I went home and decided to get an early night because I had work experience the next day , so I watched a few YouTube videos and found a YouTuber that I had heard of but never really watched and saw the latest video of his called " "60 seconds that will change your life" Please watch it , I don't have anything else to say on the matter other that Subscribe to Sam Pepper and just watch it <3
Today's quote is from The Silver Linings Playbook :
" You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest and if you stay positive; you might have a shot at a silver lining "
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
You're doing a great job at procrastinating from whatever your supposed to be doing :) So thank you for procrastinating with me aha If you want to procrastinate with me again tomorrow then you can follow me on twitter so I can let you know when I've posted <3 You can find me @MyHappyBubbleXx
Much Love, Love Much-ly
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
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