Hii :)
How are you ? I hope you're doing well :) As you can probably guess buy the title , I've been shopping today so I thought I'd show you some of the things I bought and some that I found and didn't buy but hopefully will one day when I have money aha because I like being nosy ... so I'll assume you do too and well if you don't my bad :) Unfortunately I can't show you some of my favourite purchases because they are presents for my friends birthday next week and she reads my blog posts because she's awesome aha but if anyone's interested then let me know in the comments and I will post about the presents I got her after her birthday :)

After this, I went on to my favourite vintage shop which stocks everything from 1940 style clothes with their fabulous floral patterns to necklaces with stunning pocket watches which I have loved since I first saw them ( I've often bought them as gifts and I actually have no idea why I have never bought one for myself )The shop is called Aspire and I will link to their website here :) Here are a few of my finds :
I loved this little tag on the back of a travel wallet :) I realise it's very difficult to read, so I shall type it here because it made me smile and you too, deserve to smile :
"Address : Lets run away
2a Faraway Land
Just you and me
hand in hand "
I will link to the travel wallet here so you too can enjoy the cuteness that made my day :) So this was todays #100happydays picture <3
Next on my list was a trip to boots because I needed new foundation and I was low on primer :) I'm not a beauty blogger so I can't give you much but my opinions ... sorry bout that aha :) But I thought I'd try out a new foundation so I bought " Maybelline Dream Matte Mouse" I must say so far it's really good :) I got it in the lightest shade because I'm the palest person you could ever wish to meet ( If you ever feel bad about your lack of tan, feel free to come and stand next to me and I guarantee that you will feel like your from the Bahamas aha ;) ) It gives great coverage and is really good if you suffer from oily skin :) I also bought a new primer that I have had before (also by Maybelline) I love primers and am always on the look out for ones that keep me make up in place all day because I really don't have the time to re-apply my make up throughout the day and "Maybelline Baby Skin " primer is fantastic for doing just that :) I'm sorry I can't say more on them but I really am useless at saying anything about make up other than " well it was good I guess " ;)
Onto Clothing I bought two new tops , both from Newlook :) One for work experience next week and one because Harry Potters amazing and I'm slightly obsessed aha <3 See if you can tell which is which ;)
I love this top it's really light and will be great for summer as well as work experience you can find it here . Please try the top on though because it looks so much better on :)
I've spoken about Harry potter before and I did a post about my trip to the Warner Brother studios which you can find here and I just had to buy this top to feed my ever growing obsession ;) You can find that here <3
Finally for some crafty stuff I stopped at The Works because everything's cheap there and I have no money aha :) I bought a make your own Dream catcher for 99p , Some cute letters to decorate for 99p and a book of origami projects for £1.99 .... see what I mean by cheap aha :)
Oh wait my bad ,that wasn't finally aha woops anyways after that I went to Paperchase to get some origami paper but I also bought a cute organiser which I fell min love with and at only £8 I couldn't just leave it there could I ?So I brought it home with me :)
Okay so that was my actual finally ;) Let me know if you like this sort of thing or you just want me to be quiet and stick to what I know aha ( I won't be offended honest I know I don't have a clue when it comes to make up ;) ) If you like anything here let me know or if you've found any pretty little things then feel free to comment them :)
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Todays quote is something I found on a cute little box whilst I was out today, unfortunately I couldn't take a picture but here is what it said :
" If there was no change, There would be no butterflies "
Much love, Love Much-ly (someone told me today that this reminded them of the hatter in Alice in Wonderland saying "Never lose your muchness and it made me smile :) )
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
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