-The Princess and the Frog
I love the song "Almost There" from the princess and the frog , it's got a really can do feeling to it :) The reason it's relevant is because I'm half way through my #100happydays posts :) I know this is late but I've only just got my laptop back so I've got a lot to do so I'm going to have to keep this really short :)

After lunch I went to my aunts house and on the way back, my granddad's dog fell asleep on my lap which was so so cute :) I love animals and lily is the loveliest Irish setter you could ever wish to meet and she's absolutely terrified of my cat ( yes the one that looks like a big fluffy pompom ) bless her lil cottonsocks :)
I'm also thinking about instead of posting everyday just on a certain day each week doing all the #100happydays things in one post because I have a lot of other things I want to write about and this make it very difficult to do that :) So I think I'm going to post #100happydays on Sunday ... Smiley Sunday aha :) I have so many ideas for other posts that I can't wait :)
“Even in winter, the cold isn't always bitter, and not every day is cruel.”
― Jim Butcher
So I will see you all soon
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Feel free to follow me on twitter for more positivity throughout the week @MyHappyBubble
Much Love, Love Much-ly
DontBurstMyBubble xxx
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