Everyone. Loves. Lush . That's pretty much a proven fact ! I spend the majority of my year waiting, not so patiently for their amazing Christmas range so that I can stock up on a years supply of gorgeous scents in a million different shapes and sizes, I'm getting excited just thinking about it ! So Today I thought I'd show you my top 5 lush Christmassy products ... not in order though because getting it down to five was difficult enough ;)

Gorgeous citrus scents in a powder to make your body sparkle like a fairy ! What part of that isn't completely awesome ?! Oh and it has essential oils in as well, so you can feel as soft a fairy as well ;)
2) Snowcake - £3.40

You know my love for the Yankee candles 'Christmas Memories' Scent with all it's cinnimonny, spicy, orangy christmassness ? ... Well this shower gel is that, but in a soap ! Need I say any more? :)
4) Snowman Kit - £5.00
Do you wanna build a snowwwwmaaaannnnnn ? This is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time <3 I loved lushes 'fun' range when it came out, especially the vanilla one but this is so so so so cool ! You could buy this as a gift for absolutely anyone ! ... like me for example ;) I want ! I want ! I want ! It includes all the different colours ( Orange, Black and White ) that you'd need, and you can mould them together to make your very own snowman :D Lush's coolest Idea by far !
5) Shoot For the Stars - £3.50

What's your favourite lush product ? Let me know in the comments! :)
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Today's Merry Christmas is in African, On the west coast of Africa, in Liberia, most homes have an oil palm for a Christmas tree, which is decorated with bells <3
Much Love, Love Much-ly
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