Five Festive Films :)
Feliz Navidad! #It'sSnowingInMyBubble
Now, Christmas isn't Christmas without dragging every duvet, pillow, blanket, and cat , down the stairs into the living room to cuddle up beside the fire whilst watching your favourite Christmas films and drinking hot chocolates with marshmallows and extra squirty creams .... with sprinkles ! All night long :) So today I thought I'd share with you five of my favourite festive films, Although, not in order because that's wayyyy too hard :)
The Holiday
I've mentioned this film before when I did The Christmas Tag but it's the cutest film ever !!! It's full to the brim with christmassy goodness :) This perfect Christmas Romantic Comedy to make you feel all fuzzy and lovely <3 Two women ( Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz ) swap houses to take a holiday in a different country to get away from their own lives of which have been torn to bits by their men ( or rather the lack of the ;) ) only to discover friendship, love, happiness and snow once more in a heart warming tale of smiles :) Plus anything with Jack black in is just destined to be perfect !
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
If you've read some of my other posts you might know that I am in love with Dr.Zeus and his words of whimsical wisdom in rhymes and riddles that I have grown so fond of :) So it's no surprise that this fantastic movie adaptation of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is one I have watched and will continue to watch time and time again ! It's a great family film which would warm the green-ist of frozen hearts :) I would tell you what it's about but if you don't already know... then I'm confused so take it from me, watch it and you wont regret it :)
Love Actually
I know that a lot of boyfriends get sick of the endless romantic comedies that they're forced to watch over the Christmas but this is one that is actually hilarious and even my boyfriend enjoyed it ! .... before I forced him to watch it seven times aha :) From Prime minister to ten year old's you couldn't think of a love story that isn't provided for ! With an all star cast, Love actually leaves me crying with both joy, and laughter . A truly wonderful combination for the Christmas season !
Nativity !
I remember going to see the first Nativity with my family when it first came out and on the way to the cinema me and my sister sat on the back seat with my mp3 player trying to learn the words to love story by Taylor Swift ... I'm surprised our parents didn't strangle us ... then again, that wouldn't be very christmassy would it now ? If you haven't seen Nativity, then I highly recommend it ! Who couldn't love this laugh out loud take on the traditional school nativity, set in Coventry cathedral, with a death slide AND a donkey ! .... The obvious setting for a group of primary kids clearly ;)
The Polar Express
I can't explain what it is I love about this film but there's something about the messages in the tickets at the end that makes me smile uncontrollably and fills me with a desperate urge to go and tell every stranger in the street to have a lovely Christmas... which I feel might get me a few weird looks .. which it really shouldn't but we'll talk about that another time :) There's not a single person I know that doesn't love this film and it's so wonderful I can see why that is :)
I hope you've liked these mini reviews :) Let me know what your favourite Christmas films are in the comments !
Today's 'Merry Christmas' was in Spanish and in Spain Christmas Eve is known as Nochebuena or "the Good Night." It is a time for family members to gather together to rejoice and feast around the Nativity scenes that are present in nearly every home. A traditional Christmas treat is turron, a kind of almond candy.
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Cuddles and Candy Canes,
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