Hope that your day has been marvellous :) If not I hope you find a way to make it so <3 I have grown to love writing my monthly favourites blogs because it's a few hours when I'm purely focusing on the good things that happened through the month and I know I have to find them no matter how rubbish the month has been and it honestly makes me feel a whole lot better :) So here is my August favourites :
Cinema :)
This month my favourite film that I've seen at the Cinema was The Inbetweeners Movie 2 :) I love the InBetweeners and I was ecstatic when I found out that they were making a second movie . I really enjoyed the first movie however I didn't think it was as good as the series meanwhile the second movie was fantastic ! Me and my sister were dying with laughter whilst eating our Ben and Jerry's ice cream ... They make Smores Ice cream now ! How awesome is that ? :D I accidentally dropped me spoon in the cinema but my sister was an absolute babe and gave me hers <3 Anyways back to the film; In this movie the boys set off to Australia to find Jay who has told them a urm, rather fanciful version of his currant living and working arrangements ... and girls ;) Nothing unusual there then hehe :) The mischievous young adults head off re-united on a road trip and well ... when you've finished rolling on the floor laughing I'm sure you'll agree that it's a errm... eventful adventure to say the least ;) Must see film ! If you've seen it then let me know your thoughts In the comments.
Books :)
The Little Beach Street Bakery By Jenny Colgan was a wonderfully heart-warming tale :) It took me a long time to read because I could never find time to read but I went on holiday and finished it in a day , I just couldn't put it down <3 The protagonist ( Polly) moves away after becoming bankrupt, leaving behind her husband Chris and everything she's ever known . But who needs a husband when you has friendly fishermen, a sweet american bee-keeper and most importantly Neil :) An addorable little puffin who befriends Polly and flutters around her with his ruffled feathers, standing by her and nibbling at the crumbs of her delicious homemade bread when she has no one else on the issolated little village which becomes her home and her happiness <3 A truly uplifting story of loss, love, bakery's and Puffins :) What's not to like ?
As I mentioned in a Smiley Sunday post, I have started to read the Harry Potter books . Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by the incredibly talented J.K.Rowling was everything everyone ever said it was <3 If I'm honest I thought that I wasn't going to enjoy reading the Harry Potter Series but with every page I was pulled further and further into the magical wizard world of Harry Potter and I loved every moment ! I can't
believe how much I enjoyed the book ! It was perfectly written and I read it within a day . If you are putting off reading the Harry Potter series or have convinced yourself it's not your thing then un-convince yourself and give it a go because I'm sure you will love it as much as I did :)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets also by J.K.Rowling lived up to the expectations set by the first book and then proceeded to surpass them by massive amounts :) I feel like there's really not any point in summing up the storyline because if you don't know the story line of Harry Potter I think you might need to go outside darling hehe ;) But I can't wait to read the 3rd book ( Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ) I feel like there's going to be a lot of Harry potter related blog posts coming up :)
Song :)
The Reckless and the Brave by All Time Low is an amazing song that you can sing along to at any time and instantly feel good and like you can take on the world <3 There needs to be more songs like this because not enough people are being told to go for their dreams :)
Clothing :)
This month I have discovered a wonderful charity which I would really like to talk more about in another blog post called " To Write Love On Her Arms " which does amazing work helping people whom are struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. They have a store and you should definitely check it out ( you can find it here ) I love the top's in the store because I think they look good and have fantastic messages on , I'm ordering one as soon as I
have some money :) This is my favourite of their tops, and it reads : "You'll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living, breathing screaming invitation to believe better things."
Etsy :)
I found a awesome Suicide Prevention necklace which you can find here <3

Blog :)
I have been Reading KimJadeLouise for a while now and I love her blog and more people should know about it :) I especially love her DIY posts like the floral bun wraps but her DIY: Book to Diary/Notebook post with great :) She's creative, a talented artist and an awesome writer so if you get time then please check her out <3
YouTube :)
I discovered this YouTuber on the first of August and have been dying to tell you about her ever since :) RibbonsMakeBows is a wonderful young woman who's just graduated and has been making awesome videos through her university life :) If you have issues with body confidence or being happy then I can't think of a better place for you to go to <3
Finally , Here are my five good things that have happened this month :)
- I went on holiday and swam in the sea :D Yayyy <3
- Everyone in Ireland was really friendly and smiled back .
- I went to see Wicked at the theatre OH MY GOSH It was so so so good :D
- The New Doctors first episode was great and I saw it on the big screen <3 There was a girl wearing a Fez !!!!!
- New School Year = New Stationary ... lots and lots and lots of new stationary :) I think I might do a stationary haul if you're interested to show you all my new stuff because I seriously need to get this excitement out of my system aha I mean they're just pens ... but they're coloured revision pens ! Arghhh :D
That's all for today, thanks for reading !
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Please Feel free to tell me what good things happened to you this month in the comments.
Much Love, Love Much-ly
Twitter: @MyHappyBubbleXx
Email: MyHappyBubbleXx@outlook.com
Pinterest: Little Hopeful
ReplyDeleteI also really love that necklace ^_^
Aw me too :) I really want to get it <3