Good Morning :)
I'm finally back off my wi-fi-less holiday and I had a great time :) I will most likely talk about that in this weeks Smiley Sunday post which I will probably post tomorrow because this is last weeks due to lack of wi-fi and oh my gosh I've written three lines and this is already confusing aha :) So for now, here is #100happydays day 65-71 and I hope you have a very wonderful and a smiley Sunday :)
#100happydays: day 65 ( Monday )
A post it note I left in MacDonald's <3 |
Today I went out with my friends and my boyfriend .. we didn't really do anything different to what we do every weekend which is : Eat MacDonald's , Chat in MacDonald's for an hour plus, Go to W.H.Smiths so I can look at the books ( the rest of my friends seem to find that bit abit less interesting ... so they wondered off to read '50 Shades of Grey' out loud in the children's section .. ummm yeah they're not normal aha I love them though :) ) Then we will walk over to the main town, go Costa, Pound land, Home Bargains, We used to go to the milkshake pallor but I don't think we're welcome there any more .. one of the employees found me trying to sell my friend to her boyfriend XD The exact words I think she heard were: " Her nose isn't that big once you get used to it " ... flighty awkward :) Finally to finish off the day we headed back to McDonald's because calories taste good, life is too short and why the hell not ? :) <3 What awkward/funny situations have you been in with your friends ? Comment bellow :)
#100happydays: day 66 ( Tuesday )
I spent most of this morning planning blogs and trying to work out when I'm going to have time to write them because of helping out at a summer school for the last two weeks of the summer holiday but when I'd had enough I began to procrastinate as usual and I would struggle to do that without my ukulele whom I named Aurora :) However in the afternoon I had to go and meet someone in Costa so I dragged myself away from my song writing at the promise of a free Costa :) Whilst at Costa I tried their ' Original Iced Lemonade' but I really can't decide what I think of it ... At first I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't fizzy at all and I didn't particularly think it tasted that good but then I found myself fancying some more and it's definitely grown on me :) What do you think about them ? <3
#100happydays: day 67 ( Wednesday )
Some days are going to start out rubbish . It's inevitable <3 But what way more in control is how they end :) Whether you're feeling scared, lonely, upset, heartbroken or just a bit rubbish-y for no apparent reason ; I'm really sorry you feel like that but today I proved to myself that those sort of days can get better <3 If you're struggling with a bad day I wrote a whole blog post about how to get out of feeling sad which you can find here :) When I woke up I was really stressed but me and a friend worked it out until we found a solution and then ate strawberry laces and everything felt better :) yourself can do this darlin' you're going to be okay and you can be a little bit more okay everyday I know you can <3
#100happydays: day 68 ( Thursday )
I quite happily spent this morning watching YouTube video's and planning blogs until my boyfriend came other :) We had a lovely night , I attempted to teach him how to play ukulele... he can NOT play ukulele aha :) After his ermmm interesting attempt we watched Gavin and Stacey episodes back to back all night because it's absolutely hilarious :) I don't think I know anyone who could watch that show and not be in love with it .. it makes me laugh and therefore makes me happy .. what part of that is not completely amazing ? <3
#100happydays: day 69 ( Friday )
I love how the butterfly
isn't scared of something so
different but still recognises it
as wonderful <3 |
Waking up bright and early is a great way to feel ready to face the day... as long as you go straight back to sleep for several hours ;) Don't worry , that 's exactly what I did aha :) When I finally forced from my bed me and my boyfriend went into town to meet my friend and her boyfriend :) We went for a lovely walk, I thought I'd lost my phone and as my friends boyfriend chased after a stranger to ask him if he'd stolen my phone ... I found it in my bag ... yeah I'm an idiot XD I also saw some really cute graffiti which brightened my day and i bought a lovely bag which I will show you in my up-coming August favourites blog post :)
" I was very scared of her but I could also tell that she was upset , so I decided to hug her " - One Million Lovely Letters
#100happydays : day 70 ( Saturday )
I loved the spacious living room ... which had leaking windows XD |
I'm Going on an Adventure ! :D Today I'm travelling to Ireland and am super excited ( you can read about that in my 'I'm Going To Ireland' blog Post ) I was slightly less happy about this when I had to get up at 4;30 am ... and then realised that my mum only told me we were leaving at 5:30 so that I actually got up .. we didn't leave the house until 7am aha :) I know a lot of people find travelling boring but I really enjoy the time to just listen to my music and as for going on the ferry ... I LOVE the ferry ! I have no idea why but it just makes me so happy to be floating across the sea like a pirate <3 When we got to our holiday home the woman who was giving us the key literally gave us a list of things wrong with the house which I found hilarious .. needless to say my mother did not XD I then read all night and once I finished my book I snuggled up in my boyfriends top and fell asleep :)
#100happydays: day 71 ( Sunday )
My first proper day in Ireland :) I went for a walk down beach when I got up and it was lovely I couldn't wait to swim.. swimming in the sea is one of my favourite things but you'll have here about that in the next smiley Sunday post :) The views we're stunning and I'd never been somewhere so lovely and the people were so .. so .. well friendly ! :D They nearly always smile back and say good morning in their wonderful accents and I couldn't be happier to be here :) If you're ever sad seriously go to Ireland <3
I wasn't aware that things could actually look this wonderful <3 :o
So all in all although this week has been stressful I really can't wait for this coming week because I get to spend it in Ireland :) I couldn't be happier about that fact <3 Have any of you ever been to Ireland ? Let me know if you have and where are your favourite places there ? :)
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Things will get better ,
Much love, love muchly
P.s. Fun Fact : Ireland has won the Eurovision Song Contest a record seven times :) It seems they must be talented as well as lovely :)
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