This isn't what I'm mean to be doing ... I should be asleep because I've just got back from a lovely holiday in Ireland and I'm exhausted but If I am going to write a blog post I should definitely be catching up on the " Smiley Sunday " posts that I have missed whilst being away ( I've got two to write :/ ) However, I have just come over very very emotional ... I'm crying . I'm not sad though, or upset just emotional :') So why ? Why am I sat in my room crying slightly confused if not slightly happy .. ? Well the answer is that I don't know but as I'm feeling emotional, there are a lot of thoughts in my head , thoughts I want people to hear because they matter to me .. and I feel like they need hearing ( wow I'm REALLY tired aha ... I mean just look at that excellent wording ;) )
This really isn't what I was going to talk about but I guess the reason I'm suddenly feeling even more attached to strangers is that in Ireland something AMAZING happened ! When I smiled at people... THEY SMILED BACK :D It actually makes my day every time someone smiles back because people smiling just makes the world a nicer place because every time you smile you actually feel better because it realises " Feel good" endorphins so now because of one simple action I made towards a person walking down the street, the worlds a very slightly happier place ... okay I do realise I sound made but I just feel so ... I don't know really . To be honest I wan't crying until I watched my idol, Carrie Hope Fletchers, most recent video ( I'll link to it here <3 ) I don't know what it was about the video but she was talking about people thanking her . As a result I realised how much Carrie has effected my life. Since I started watching "Itswaypastmybedtime" I've become more positive, learnt to see the world in a different way, started to try and show others this way of seeing and started leaving hopeful notes because Carrie's hopeful notes inspired me to start being confident enough to show kindness to strangers and my life would still be stuck in sadness and thoughts that I would just grow up and work in a job that could pay the bills but now I believe in myself and that's not arrogant . Self belief is important and I'm going to have to write a whole post about that but Carrie pressed that button and I am so grateful to her <3
I Have no idea what I have just written .. I'm sorry if my rambling was pointless , I'm aware the grammar was awful and the punctuation that is pretty much non existent but I'm so tired <3 Please let me know if you understood any of that .. I'm sorry If I just wasted your time , we'll be back to normal soon :)
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
I hope you're having a good holiday / life because you deserve one and I like you :)
Much love, Love Much-ly
P.s. Today's quote is : " Keep Smiling and Stuff" - Dan Howell ( Danisnotonfire ) because it sounds as vauge, confused and relevant as I feel :) That sentence didn't even make sense aha ... I'm going to go to bed <3
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