With Christmas Over and now I've finished my blogmas series 'It'sSnowingInMyBubble' Which I really hope you enjoyed , I wanted to do what I assume every other blogger is doing either today or yesterday and write about new years resolutions :) I usually try to make my posts as original and unique as I can , so why write a new years resolutions post ? Well firstly because I want to , writing makes me happy and I would like to get my new years resolutions down where me and others can see them so that I'm more likely to stick to them , I welcome anyone else who wants to do this to write theirs in the comments :) Secondly , last night when I was deciding on my new years resolutions, I realised that I enjoyed looking through pinterest and other peoples blogs to see what theirs were and often found that so,me of their resolutions were very relevant to me :)
My New Years Resolutions :
1) Read more books !
I'm aiming to read at least 30 this year and am really looking forward to getting back into reading :) If I find any particularly good ones then I might write a few mini reviews through the year but I'm definitely going to do a top 5 at the end of the year !
2) Exercise more !
Exercise is a great way to release stress and I really want to start swimming again and maybe do some running because with exams and all the negativity that comes with life sometimes it's good to have a bit of you time .
3) Drink more water !
I drink no where near enough water and I really want to improve my skin this year before I start college :)
4) Get into a Good Skin Care Routine !
I'm always forgetting to take my make up off and this year I'm aiming to cleanse, tone and moisturise everynight before bed... I'm not the most organised person but I'm planning to keep my cleanser, toner and moisturiser on my bedside table to make it as easy as possible !
5) Be Kinder !
This year I've set myself a challenge to leave at least one hopeful note a week :) I'm going to put a picture of that hopeful note at the end of one of my posts each week to try and encourage myself to do it :)
Please let me know your new years resolutions in the comments, I really love hearing them :)
This year I'm aiming to post twice a week , the main blog post will hopefully be on a Monday and the other will be on whatever other day I can find a spare hour and it's going to be my top ten pins from pinterest that week :)
Much Love , Love Much-ly
"I wonder how many people I've Looked at all my life and never seen " - John Steinbeck
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